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Spice up the game's "Wait" functionality ?


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It's a simple idea so I bet it has been brought up before. If it has please just share the link and I beg you not to flame me :D.


TLDR: Put an upkeep cost in "Waiting". You can rationalize pretty much any strange action you do in la-la land, but for roleplaying/realism sake... this mod has to exist!


Long Version:


There was that recent mod that alters the maximum number of days you can wait at one time. Now that's all good but if you want to role play a bit, wouldn't it be cool if the Wait command brought up a completely new UI menu? Maybe even producing a tiny mini-game of its own?




Resting in dungeons and in the open world: In this UI menu you would have to put in 1 unit of food and water per 5 hours of resting. Or maybe just a ratio of 1:1 to keep things simple. You have a chance of getting attacked or robbed unless your follower take turns sleeping. Something like that I guess...


Resting in your House: Whatever the cost is for 1 unit of food and water, it will be converted to gold price. Gold points will be deducted from your inventory. At 1:1 food per hour ratio, 31 days multiply 24 hours which is 744 gold if you want to wait 31 days in your house.


Global Rule: No upkeep triggers are required if you rest for less than 24 hours at one time.



What do you guys think? Cool or redundant? And... there was this farm simulator I saw recently on here, I think a mod like this would go great with it (I never tried that mod yet maybe it already has something like this)

Edited by confusedd
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I'm all for spicing up to Wait function, but I don't understand why you would have to pay money to wait in your own house.


I agree that you should have a chance to be attacked by bandits every hour that you wait in the wilderness, but I think it should instead interrupt the waiting and force you back into the action.

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