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Any Ideas on how to stop ctd after a few fast travels?


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At my witts end. Seems like after so many times i load a new area, the game just CTD's. I've tried everything. Sutter Remover, 4gb launcher, tweaking settings in the .ini file, not using the built in auto-saves etc. But i still crash sometimes when i fast travel or enter exit interiors after some time playing.


My system far exceeds what this game requires (Running Ultra Settings with smooth 60fps).



I did narrow it down some, but it still happens. Here's my test 'circuit':


1. Start the game up in good springs

2. Fast travel to mojave Outpost, walk down the hill halfway

3. Fast travel to Primm, walk back across the bridge to NCR camp

4. Fast travel to Vegas Medical Clinic, walk to Freeside North Gate

5. Walk through Freeside to the Secured Gate outside the Strip

6. Fast travel back to Goodsprings and repeat the steps.


With my full mod list enabled, i would crash at some point during step 5 no matter what. Sometimes the moment i enter freeside, other times when enter the second area near "The Kings".


So i removed all mods and DLC to get a baseline.



Completed entire circuit 3 times no crash



/w DLC:

Completed entire circuit a few times no crash


Added UI mods like Darn, oHud, Grenade hotkey etc.

Completed circuit a few times no crash


Added A world of Pain

Crash during step 5. Uninstalled Mod :(


Added Mission Mojave

No issues


Added Electro City (/w MM compatibility patch)

Crash During first circuit. Mod Uninstalled


Added my custom mods

No issues


Added Willow Companion

Crash sometimes during the first circuit, sometimes during the second. Mod Uninstalled :(


Installed nVInteriors Urban & wasteland (with necessary compat. patches)

no issues


Installed WMX (with necessary compat. patches)

No issues


Installed the remaingin miscellaneous gameplay mods i like:

No aparrant issues.


Created a new game, then immediately ran the circuit a few times all ok. So then i decided to step into the strip proper. Walked through all sections of the strip.. then crashed as i walked back to the lucky 38 cell. I Guess there's still an issue, but ateast it happens MUCH MUCH later than it used to.



So basically, what elese can i do? It's not a RAM problem, the game is only using like 700-750mb everytime it crashes. I have 4gb.


I can play fully modded Oblivion & Fallout 3 (and now skyrim) for hours on end without a single crash, but New Vegas is just a *censored*.

Edited by gorey666
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