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Falling through the ground partially issue discovery


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I was having an issue where I would sometimes fall through the ground partially while wondering the wastes. This would then lead to a CTD. I did a google search on it and there was nothing addressing this issue... with the exception of disabling all mods in your load order and installing them again, one at a time. Something I've seen posted on here many times. That's not a way to a fix, imo.


The above problem is caused for a few reasons:


1st. One of your mods has a missing world location.


2nd. A mod author has a flag in a world location that points to something that doesn't exist. I call this a (Sloppy Edit).


3rd. You have one, or multiple world locations that cause a "Fatal Conflict" in your load order.


The best way to address and fix this issue, is to become completely familiar with FO3Edit, to find such errors. Mainly by running a conflict report. This report has multiple functions and can allow you to edit your mods so that they work (play nice) together. A fatal conflict shows up as black lettering on a red background. They may also be hidden in the tree, so you have to open up things to find them. These conflicts are bad and must be delt with, otherwise your game will crash on you a lot. Especially if it concerns a world space edit, imo. When it comes to world spaces, one mod can cause fatal conflicts with multiple mods. I've had one mod create fatal conflicts with up to 6 other mods in my load order, due to one bogus world space edit. That being said, you can see how unstable this can make your load order.


The easiest way to deal with such conflicts is to either move things around in your load order, until they vanish, or to simply remove the mod that is causing all the issues. However, if you don't want to sacrifice a mod, then you must learn how to fix these bad edits yourself. It's rather simple actually and becoming completely familiar with FO3Edit is your key to success. There's a tutorial for it here on the Nexus. I recommend that if you're going to use mods, you need to have a full understanding of this tool. Running a conflict report is also the best way to get your load order correct. Anything else is just guessing.


Finally, relying on BOSS, or ehem... LOOT, is NOT a good option for achieving a proper load order. Load Order is essentially all about conflicts between mods. You have to be able to see the conflicts in order to gain a proper load. Again, anything else is just voodoo and guessing.


Anyway, now you know what the deal is, if you're falling through the ground partially. You're welcome.

Edited by ejroberts49
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