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looking for someone to 3D models and textures


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M70XE Prototype Gauss Rifle

Was created by dbcold I would like to bring it to Fallout 4 all

I'm looking for someone to do textures and 3D modelling for me

this was An Unfinished mod for Fallout 3 if you decide to help I'll be grateful



This project introduces a new weapon, the M70XE Protoype Gauss Rifle. This experimental weapon is the innovation that bridges the technological gap between West Teks' unfeasible X227 and the rare but commonly known M72 Gauss Rifle. The M70XE saw limited field testing during Operation Anchorage offering a versatile array of combat utilty at the expense of dependability. Because of this it became commonly refered to as a "On Shot Wonder", when the M70XE worked it did so exceedingly well. These defeciencies promted research into modular advances minimizing the weapons down time between (and too frequently, during) combat engagments. It is this period of testing that a standardized model for militarized gauss technology arose playing a large contributing factor in the development and adoption of the M72 into regular military service.


this is a link to the original


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