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Death Knight Mod


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Hey everyone i was wondering if someone could create a Death Knight mod package that containts features like these

:Starting location example for the Death Knight race could be in a cave on a pile of corpses when a lich ressurects you to serve him as you go out the cave he dies cause of something and you r free the lich also gives you a rune blade

Racial skill:Dread :Causes enemies around you to have a permanent decrease in armor and magic resist intil combat is over.

Death Knight perk tree: Blood Boil:Gives an extra 20% hp regen and 3 hp per level

Army Of The Dead: Allows you to create ghouls,skeletons and zombies out of corpses they r also with you permanently intil they get killed max:10ghouls 4 zombies 6 skeltons raised ghouls(fast attackers good in groups but low armor and hp dies fast),skeletons(mages,archers,support mages and warriors) or zombies(tanks mass hp and armor)

Death Bolt:shoots a red skull that damages your enemies over time example does 10 damage on hit and 40 damage per sec over 5 seconds

Blood Fury:enchants your runeblade so that it converts 14% of the damage done into hp for your character

RuneForge:Allows you to forge Death Knight items like Rune Armor and Rune Blade(weapon and armor only usable by Death Knight) 20 types of rune armors and about 34 types of runeblades

Blight: an area of an effect passive that decreases attack speed of enemies by 16% move speed by 30% and attack/spell damage by 7

Phantom Steed:allows you to have a permanant horse (black with fire hooves and blue fiery eyes)

Deathly Embrace:Increase damage with runeblade's by 25/35/50% and armor rating by rune armor by 10/22/30% and reduces damage taken by undead creatures by 30% and gives you 50% extra hp regen when under 20% hp

The Damned One:Gives you 25/50 extra damage and armor when under 30% hp

Master Of The Dead: gives your ghouls 20/40% extra attack speed and move speed and 4/8 extra damage.And gives your zombies 24/48 extra hp and 30/60 extra armor and medium resistance to magic and poisens.And skeletons get 30/45% extra bow attack speed and 40/80 extra mana and 10/18 attack damage

The Revenant:gives you a permanent unkillable companion(can be knocked unconciouse for 10-20 secs or so) has good hp good armor good damage and can use unrelenting force and dash has a shield and a sword for those who knows the Revenant from Dragon age thats the type of armor and gear i want for this revenant.

RuneChant:enchants your armor and weapon with enchantments like hp draining attacks etc.

zombies can taunt also and thats about it what i have in mind if anyone could make something like this it would be awesome its a shame there isnt a DK mod yet...so sad anyways i hope someone can make a mod like this would be awesome thanks.

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