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Levers & Pull Chains Not Working


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I have a problem with every lever and chain that you have to pull. Although I see animation as a lever or chain moves, but (mostly) the gates completely do not react and remain closed. I checked whether it was a modification fault, but without the mods is exactly the same. In the normal version of Skyrim everything was ok - in SE unfortunately this is already annoying. Did someone have a similar problem and know how to deal with him?

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  On 10/15/2017 at 11:36 AM, Gestapolice said:

Hi I have the exact same problem . Some doors open but 99% of them don't. I tried using FallrimTools as it's probably a script bug but it didn't fix it.


Yes, I also tried this way, but no effect ;(



  On 10/15/2017 at 12:18 PM, simondent2 said:

Tyr kalair fix , as there is a bug in in the thieves guild . Not sure it will work , it worked for me a few months ago .


Kalair fix? You have a link for this? I can not find it anywhere.

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Yes, I made a new character using the previously saved slot in ECE. Fortunately, I just started a new game, so the new character was not a problem. Maybe there is a possibility to transfer old character to a new save game, but I was not looking for such a solution.

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Anytime you mess with things from a save glitches are bound to happen. Generally you shouldn't expect a working solution to an issue if you have a ave game that isn't clean. :(

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  • 2 months later...

So I'm having this same issue now. I've run the save cleaner, it's a fairly new character (only about 16 hours in) but I don't want to start all over. It's not just levers though, it's doors too. I'm stuck at the moment where I'm trying to complete the Thieves Guild main quest line but I can't get past the door to where Mercer Frey is.

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