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scottsinger13 - BANNED

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scottsinger13 banned.




Reason for the ban


Mod author harassment.


scottsinger13, on 15 Oct 2017 - 8:00 PM, said:


arthmoor, you're a fool.


scottsinger13, on 15 Oct 2017 - 8:07 PM, said:


Arthmoor again, you are a f*#@ing fool. Don't like it, don't buy is a statement idiots use. When micro transactions started, thats what everyone said. Look at it today, every game coming out now is littered with transactions and day 1 season passes. Allowing s#*! like this, by being a pussy and keeping your head down and just not buying will only allow it to continue. Even buying games with this bullshit in it, will allow it to continue. You have no idea what's actually happening and you are apart of the problem.


scottsinger13, on 15 Oct 2017 - 8:12 PM, said:


This arthmor guys attitude is also dogshit. And were supposed to trust someone like this to tell us what's what, when it comes to the way the games industry is moving forward. LOOOOOOOOOL



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Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 1 formal warnings before they were banned



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