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Construction Set Summon


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Im trying to make a permanent Summon and since im not experienced enough in scripting i decided to use the Extra Summon slot in the Magic Effects menu.

I already created a NPC, Attribute (which contains the Summon) and Script Effect (Spell) to add it to my Active Effects. But when it reaches 0 hp it disappears like every other Summon.

So i activated the Essential flag in the NPC menu but it doesnt stop it from disappearing after it got knocked out.
Is there any way the keep the Summon after it reaches 0 hp?

Or does any1 have better suggestion on making a permanent Summon which is essential and doesnt disapper after getting knocked out?

Thanks for your help.

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I'm sure there's a better way to do this, but one way I've seen people do similar things is by creating the NPC and placing it in an empty "dummy" cell, similar to the testinghall, and using a moveto command in a script as your spell effect: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=MoveTo




When it dies, if you want it to be resummonable you'd need to resurrect the actor in the script as well, but this would make the corpse disappear as well. A workaround I can think of would be to create two different NPC/creatures with the same name, and have the second be summoned if the first has died using GetIsDead, and when the second dies, have the script resurrect the first before moving to the player again.



I've never used them before so I don't know how well it would work with this, but I'm aware of a PlayMagicShaderVisuals and PlayMagicEffectVisuals command that could be used to make it have the normal summon effects as well: https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=PlayMagicShaderVisuals

Edited by slapahotribe23
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  • 5 weeks later...

OK, first and foremost: All credit goes to the creator of this MOD-Epic Horde Summons Version 2-30822. I just ripped apart and reverse engineered.


It does require OBSE. Use the following script:


scn SummonMinotaurScript

ref me

begin ScriptEffectStart
set me to GetSelf
elseif isSpellTarget SummonPlainHorde
placeatme CreatureMinotaur1 1

Under Script Type: Magic Effect.


Then Create 'SummonPlainHorde' spell with script effect.


What this spell would do is create a hostile Minotaur next to you. No timer on the minotaur, no disappearing on death, lootable.


If you wanted a friendly minotaur, you would need to create custom minotaur minus the creature faction, plus player faction.


Hope this helps, if nothing else download Epic Horde Summons and poke around.


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