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ENB blur problems


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For some reason I cannot pin down, my screen is immensely blurry when using ENB. It looks like the camera is perpetually out of focus. Tried disabling depth of field and bloom as some have suggested, nothing. Tried a complete reinstall, still nothing.

Got some word that some lighting mods might conflict, but none did beforehand and I haven't changed anything.

The problem started appearing during a run in Cholla Caverns (an area added by the Russel mod, it's underground and dark). I was suffering from Buffout addiction, but that has been fixed and the annoying blur is still here. Should I just give up and reload an earlier save?

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IF the problem is with ENB, then re-installing shouldn't be necessary. Most likely is either a bad setting or your choice of preset. But as part of setting up ENB involves making changes to the game INI files and the video adapter, just disabling ENB is not that simple.


All I have to suggest is reviewing the various settings in the 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. Note that some settings have to be made to the game INI files (all three) and some to the video adapter control panel.


Edit: Also, make sure you have disabled any overlays such as "Steam" or "Overwolf".



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Thanks for reporting back with your solution. Wherever did you find that console command? It's not in any of the six different lists I know of.


Added 'Issue: ENB Blur' to 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section of the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


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Thirdhand. Someone posted on a forum complaining about a similar bug at Camp Guardian, I think. From what I can tell, it disables the 'vision interference' effects. It also will eliminate stuff like Project Nevada's addiction settings and seems to need reuse upon loading, sadly.


It's not an ENB problem though, it's a bug caused by the Cholla Mountain area added by the someguy2000 mod 'Russell'.

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Thanks. Found it here.


SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable | sisme | Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0-Off, 1-On


So the original problem appears to be one with an "imod". That is not the first time Someguy's mods have been implicated in similar issues. If you want to use ENB, try the mod Imod emulator for ENB by TommInfinite. Will pick up on any vanilla imod, but may not work for some quest mods that use their own imods. Safe to use with any save game as long as it's not in the middle of an imod effect.


Something that may have an impact on Someguy mods without being directly related to your problem is in the "Issue: Can Timescale adjustments break certain quests, etc.?" entry in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.



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Update: The blur will persist even if you uninstall Russell. Oddly enough, going inside the Camp Guardian cave seems to make it's blur problem there cancel Russell's out, though the effect only lasts inside the caves.

No word yet on if it persists across saves and if it'll continue if I start a new game. If it is, I'm deleting everything and performing a complete reinstall.

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What ENB are you using? I personally use Oxide and the maker made a patch for this problem. It mainly affects depth of field


We've determined it's not an ENB problem, though, just one from the Russell mod involving an imagespace modifier overstaying it's welcome.


Actually, if someone could tell me how to change the title that'd be great.

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