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So... Started a Succubus


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I would think you'd get more mileage/downloads by making it compatible with a variety of bodies as was done with the best Oblivion race mods, such as these: Demon Race, Sirens and Titans (mermaids), then people could choose their own ideal body.


Just so you know: The imp wings from Oblivion would be illegal to import into Skyrim, rendering the mod bannable on Skyrim Nexus. The horns look really cool, but the tail isn't moving me..


I like this tail, pictured:




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Modified the tail to look more like that photo. Didn't want to do too much editing as I think I got the tail shape figured out. Might change the tail again with a arrow head design on it so it looks more demonic. i wont add wings for now. Later on I will make a ring or something that adds the wings and the ability to fly. That way the Succubus can hide her wings at will.
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Looking at the tail again I think it should have 1 maybe 2 short sections near the end to make that angle a little more rounded. It looks like it was broken and stuck at an odd angle.


I think the body is a bit on the chubby side unless thats going to be the _1 version.


@myrmaad, I was just about to ask if that was an incubus and not a sucubus in that pic then saw the image name. guess that answered my question huh.

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