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Ysolda companion bug


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So I play skyrim on PC. I married Ysolda and reprogrammed her to be a companion. I've played many hours this way with little trouble. Yesterday, I tried to get Gallus' journal translated by breaking into calcelmo's tower to copy the Falmer stone and carry the copy to the College of Winterhold. It got into the museum and fought past to Calcelmo's balcony. Ysolda stayed behind fighting somebody. I went ahead and copied the stone, got my quest update, and went back to get Ysolda. When I arrived, she was just killing her opponent. The sheathed her weapon and would only respond like Calcelmo's guards: " your not supposed to be here". Lover and companion dialogue are gone, and none of the listed commands that I found in the console guide seem to do anything. She still responds when I tell her to move here or there, but she won't follow me or leave. Any suggestions?
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I had the same issue with Marcurio as a companion. There is a hidden stat for companions as to how lawful they are. Certain companions will leave you if you break laws and others couldn't care less. I believe this bug has to do with that since you're not supposed to be in that lab. Luckily I had a save right before entering the lab so I just went and did it again telling him to stay back.


For your situation you could try leaving the lab and going somewhere neutral like the middle of Markarth or someting. Enter prid 0001A69A into the console. This will target Ysolda. Then enter moveto player. This will at least get her out of the lab. Whether or not she'll start responding like you expect I don't know.

Edited by Gandaug
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Thanks Gandaug! Your suggestion did the trick. Also, Ysolda has now gone along with several gratuitous murders! (Most of them were in the service of daedra.) So apparently her moral issues or whatever she was going through have gone by the wayside.
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