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Remove leveled list integration on Custom Weapons but keep it on Specific locations?


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This is my first post in this Forum and I hope this question does not conflict with any Rules if it does just let me know. I have a fairly simple Question which I was unable to find an Answer to : Is there a way to Remove the leveled list Integration from some Mods? (Scripted Integration like the mosin the RPG or the P99) I wanted to make this Weapons feel a little more Special and Unique, so I would like to place them to specific locations with the Geck but not spawn on npc's or traders. It would be of course only for Personal use in my own Game. Edited by Guest
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Sure it could be done, you'll have to edit the mod(s) in question so that the scripts that add the items to the leveled lists no longer do so (either by direct editing of the scripts or deleting the scripts from the mod) and then hand-place the items yourself where you want them to be via the Creation Kit.

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Thanks for the Answer, I try to find out which script or Record i actually need to delete. As an example take the RPG7 Mod there are several entries in FO4Edit but no direct Script in the Folders (because this is a BA2 File). I try to understand which record I need to delete.(https://abload.de/img/rpgfo42cbry.png) there is one Record under Quest (I think this triggers the leveled list Integration) and one under Leveled item. You have any Idea which Record I need to delete now? I didn't want to unpack the BA2 Files now and repack them, if this is even possible.
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I don't know about what those mods are doing specifically but generally speaking you won't find any script themselves in FO4Edit as they'll either be loose files or packed into a BA2 archive - sorry but that's just how modding works. Looking at your screenshot, I would tend to agree with your speculation that the leveled lists are probably being changed by a script being called in a quest that is modifying the the leveled lists - the 2 quests with LL in them from your pic if the mod maker has followed the standard naming conventions when it comes to record naming (not all do). I don't know what the 3rd one does, it may be needed for another part of the mod.


I'd just like to stress the need for caution here with something of a disclaimer - you really should be at least somewhat familiar with mod creation/editing before proceeding as those quests may be more deeply ingrained in the mod and removing them might cause issues with how the mod functions and only the mod author or someone who has looked into how the mod was made and what it is doing and can understand what they're seeing and the possible issues that my come up from removing those quests would know this. If you're willing to experiment by all means go ahead, just be aware that this is moderately advanced stuff here when it comes to using mods.

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