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[LE] Fire Deals Damage


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I want actor to burn when he is in fire. Like when you hit someone with flames spell and then he burns for few seconds.

That means when player enters fire he will get leveled fire damage and after leaving fire he will burn for few seconds.


I dont need to do that with every fire, so Ive just simply created trigger box for it.


But I dont know much about magic effects and spells, so I dont know if I need spell or just magic effect will be enough. Ive tried placing magic effect from nordic pressure plate at box, but demage is taken only if actor is hit by one of that streams of fire. Ive also tried casting flamethrower spell (TrapFlames06) at triggerRef, but it is terrible at aiming.


So do I need to use Spell or MagicEffect will handle it, including leveling and fire resistion? What type should MagicEffect be? It would be Concentration, but should it be Value Modifier and Self?


I know it is complicated issue, so any suggestions or help with scripting or magic effect is appreciated.


Feel free to ask, I will try to explain my problem further

Edited by MrKew48
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Well, I have just found out that DarkBrotherhood questline has already used this, so there is marker for fire damage. Still, it isnât leveled, but I guess I can do that.


They are using fire explosion, which they are placing on actor when he enters trigger.

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