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Load Screen Issue


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The error I have run into is that my load screens now take either an incredibly long time to go through or don't go through at all. This problem seems to be able to be fixed by using ctrl-alt-delete(pick task manager, using windows 7) and then reselecting back into Skyrim. Doing so causes the load screen to load the next scene near instantly (as it once used to) if I do that. So my question is, am I going to forever have to ctrl-alt-delete at all of my load screens to be able to play or is there a fix to this?


I believe it is the Superl3 v53 ENB but the thing is that my game runs smooth and the loads(assuming I do the ctrl-alt-delete trick) are fast too. So what is the problem here?


EDIT* For now I have stopped using Superl3 v53 ENB and instead am using Realistic Lighting with Customization 3.4.

Edited by Mephisten
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This has happened to me as well. I'm still hoping for a fix, because it's annoying. It seems like my game bugs after I die, btw. I'm not sure if it's related. I'll load my game perfectly the first time, but if I die and reload without exiting the game first, my cobwebs, fire, and water are invisible. It seems like I also only get that loading bug after dying and reloading once without exiting the game.
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I have a similar issue as well. When I load any save I made post 1.4.27, the load screen never goes away. I also don't receive the warning message that tells me mod order has changed. It loads no problem if I load just vanilla.


My PC specs:

3.3GHz i5 2500k

eVGA 1Gb GTX 560 ti




Ayasha.esm (custom follower)


ZFixed Lights.esp

Darker Nights and Brighter Skies.esp

Races and Doomstones.esp

Altars Restor Magicka.esp


dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp

dD - Easy Lift Bodies and Objects.esp



Better Dynamic Snow.esp

Proudspire Manor Bug Fixes.esp

Detailed Cities.esp

SoS - The Dungeons.esp

SoS - The Wilds.esp

Skyrim 1 Day DeadBody Timer.esp

Skyrim 7 Day Respawn.esp



Populated Cities 2.esp (Populated Cities WIP)

Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greeting.esp


Follower Tweaks - E - LCR.esp



Conjuration & Summoning fixes.esp


Dragonbone Weapons.esp

Masters of Death - Sicarius Armor (Standalone).esp

Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp

Weapons and Armor Fixes.esp


Headbombs's Better Sorting - Ammo.esp

Headbombs's Better Sorting - Books.esp

Headbombs's Better Sorting - Ingredients.esp

Headbombs's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.esp

Headbombs's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).esp

Headbombs's Better Sorting - Spells.esp

Headbombs's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).esp

Better Sorting potions for Categorized Favorites.esp


hg.esp <-- Moonpaths to Elswehr mod


SkyrimHD Lite, and other 2x resolution texture mods.

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I had this problem before I had posesivecorpses (spelled incorrectly intentionally), so that can't be it. Other than that, the only gameplay mods we have in common are dD- ragdoll force and dD- easy lift. If those two are disabled, will it still happen, I wonder? Edited by Rennn
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