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a idea for mod Penalty for low hp


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there is any mod that add penalties for low hp (because everytime i got low hp i feel tempted to go to a doctor result i end never using stimpacks) . if not im thinking on do something like this


health == 100 % hp really small bonus like 5% meele 5% less gun weapon sway

health > 80 % no bonus no penalties

60% < health <= 80 % -1 agi -1 str -1 end -1 int -1 per -1 chr

40% < health <= 60 % -3 agi ...

20% < health <= 40 % -5 agi ... -1 hp/ 20s

health < 20 % -10 agi ...-1 hp/ 10s


medX ignore low hp penalties

nerdrage 60 seconds of bonus and no penalties



the idea is force to make first aid before go for a doctor



any sugestion ?

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