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Apply magic effect to actor via script?


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In Skyrim, you would just create a spell and call the cast function on the NPC, like so:





But Fallout 4's version of Papyrus does not have the Cast() function. So how do we now do that?



As for why I need to do that, I want to add another entry to the robot hacking terminal, where you can heal the hacked robot. To do that, I need to apply a magic effect to the robot itself, but I can't figure out a way to do that.

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You would then also have to script the spell to remove itself. Not impossible, but it's easier to just make a potion and script the application of that to the actor. (Don't have to add the potion to their inventory, by the way.)

Aye, that does sound better. But then how do you script the actor to use the item?

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Fallout 4 does still have a Cast() function. It works slightly differently though since you call the spell's method instead of the object ref method. Like this

spellHeal.Cast(akSource, akTarget)


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Fallout 4 does still have a Cast() function. It works slightly differently though since you call the spell's method instead of the object ref method. Like this

spellHeal.Cast(akSource, akTarget)



Agh. I swear I didn't see it in the function reference page. So I'd just make a spell with a magic effect that lasts for five seconds, cast it from the player to the robot, and 'ey presto, it's fixed up and dandy.

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Sounds like you solved your issue, but just for the sake of completeness, to have a potion applied to an actor by script:

Actor Property ActorToApplyPotionTo auto const
Potion Property PotionToApply auto const

Function ApplyPotionToActor()
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