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can't believe this has not been addressed yet!


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just lookin at the jewelry and the textures are pretty bad, they also dont shine, the gold and silver is horrid and i think this community can do better than bethesda, actually how about the community just make the next entire game for us, hmm think that would solve all the problems
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i think this community can do better than bethesda, actually how about the community just make the next entire game for us, hmm think that would solve all the problems


...says the person with no mods uploaded. It's not as easy as a novice would think, Bethesda did a pretty good job considering they developed Skyrim for three platforms, spending thousands of dollars and working on a tight schedule. That's even without considering that most people's PCs are still pretty weak, and games are supposed to run on 5 year old hardware as a general rule. As for your request...




Edited by Rennn
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