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How do I identify a potion type in a script?


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I am working on a potion shelving system and I need to determine what type of potion and its level so I can put put it in a marker specifically set up for its bottle size.


The following snipet of code is checking if the akBaseItem is a potion and then if it is passes it to the AddPotions function so I assume that the akBaseItem contains the properties I need to access to get more specific with my check but I dont know what properties they are or how to access them.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)


if (akBaseItem as Potion)

; If the item being added is a Potion then check to see if there is room in on the shelf.

AddPotions(akBaseItem, aiItemCount)

CurrentPotionAmount = CurrentPotionAmount + aiItemCount




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