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making a body switch?


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(sorry for bad english)

i hope this post will not recived as seed of a flame war between unp and cbbe fans .... if someone want to discuss it dont do it here please....


It is possible to create a mod for permitting the coesistance of multiple body replacers mods?

(i mean... there will be ever be a fist main one... but add the possibility to switch to others)

like using different folders where to put the nif files of various mods... a lot of bodies will be supported

the mod should "use" like 10 folders... /body1/ or /body2/ ecc ... (same for texture)


ingame: a target or touch or self spell or whatever, would apply the body wanted for each spellcast ... making like 10touch or 10target or 10self spells in total....


this is my idea, i have no clue in modding...


(it would help growing up the community...

a new armor mod could be done FOR an low downloaded body replacer mod... the modders will feel free to make whatever they want... .. if this is true)

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changing race maybe will be hard to mantain the face the same... maybe.. i dont know


in oblivion i've seen mods using "fake" slots like tail or similiar.... to put extra items...


so using an "armor" that fit this slot for each custom body replacer.... maybe it work..

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