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Skyrim for Pro's

This is an Immersion-Ish mod, How many of you have downloaded mods like Imps need More Complex needs or Total Realism mods, and be forced to drink, sleep and eat, disabled your HUD, your Subtitles, and your Crosshair just for the immersion. You begin to feel like you are a Dragonborn and not just looking at a screen, then suddenly comes, Hit E to use the Grain Mill, or Hit E to sit, So I propose a mod that removes that. No more:

Hit E to pick up this flower

Hit E to Sit

Hit E to Pick up this Weapon

Hit E Steal this.


This has a lot more going for it, so join in guys, Voice your Ideas!



Get rid of this

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Ok srsly though, I think this would at LEAST require SKSE, since that's the only way I know at getting at menu stuff. I still don't know if there's any way to get rid of it short of editing the actual program file(a no no)

Edited by SinderionsBones
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