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CTD with New Player Dungeons


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Just a curiosity question .. I know ran into this somewhere on this forum or another .. but just recently any new Dungeon/location that install as a mod causes my game to CTD during the startup (right after load save game). When I convert the mod to a esm the CTD goes away. Now it isn't all dungeon mods just the last 6-7 pulled down this month and late Feb, most older ones I have running in esp format fine. I recall that was said to convert to esm, but was there anymore on this somewhere in the forums. Have 13 diff quest mods (hunter from MoMod, the 4 TDP ones, the 3 Quest_, the 2 Sig_ and a couple others) but when tried SkoomaShip, DoV, Arachnid Dungeon and more get the CTD unless convert to esm.



At latest update for Skyrim but had the issue also with the prior version ... almost like something got set that won't let me add anymore dungeon type mods .. have tested by adding non-dungeon mods and they install fine, so just looking for some Hints here.

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Update .. Just for the fun of it i turned off all the mods that were working (that mod'd world space with new dungeons) and then activated the like mods that caused CTD ... when booted the game I could get a save to load. Then tried adding back in the other mods and tada CTD. So I can get 1 set or the other to be used but not both as esp ... boggles my mind. Now Prior to this issue I had used Boss to setup mods and bash to make patch ... I don't see how this could have done anything but just listing what did before this started. The ones I can't add were not activated when ran Boss. Oh well back to playing with this, I know it is gonna be something obvious in the end.


ADD: Well further testing has enabled me to get about half of the mods loaded into the game .. disabled SkyMoMod and it's components and was able to load in 5 of the 9 having CTD issues, the other 4 still cause CTD after select the save to load. Sure wish had Elminsters edit tool here cause something is stepping on feet here. No idea why MoMod is hitting the mods (SkoomaShip, Arachnid Dungeon, DoV, Lost Tomb and Ragmar Tomb) could install once disabled .. well back to fooling around with it.

Edited by jsnider193
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