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How do I pack up my Skyrim House Mod for upload?


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Hi everyone,


Newbie question here: I've made a house mod. It's really nice, it uses a lot of different resources. If I pack it into a .bsa file via Creation Kit, it will give me a file of about 350 megs. That's huge. I didn't use that many different meshes, but I understand why.


Is there a way to just upload the ESP to make it slimmer? I'm using some public downloaded resources from the Nexus (I checked perms and all, and even asked some of the authors anyway just to let them know). Basically, what do you guys recommend? I don't want to make it public yet. Why? Because I promised some people they can look at it first before I do.


So, any tips/advice? Anything would be appreciated.


Thank you in advance. :)


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You can't just upload the esp file, and expect your mod to work. You also have to include any custom meshes and textures. But that is not saying you have to include the entire resource pack. For example if you downloaded a furniture pack with several different items, and only used 2 of them you only need to pack the meshes and textures for those 2 items. You can then either package it as a bsa or as loose files.
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I'm sure you can figure out which assets you used using TES5Edit. But unfortunately I have never done that so I'm not much help there. Packing an archive can be done using Archive. exe located in your Skyrim folder. There are instructions on the CK Wiki. You can also create an archive of loose files using 7zip. On your desktop create a folder and name it the same as your mod. Inside that folder create another folder named data. Inside that folder place your esp and any sub folders following the same structure as the Skyrim Data folder. When you are sure you have all your files in the correct places use 7zip to create the archive.


Then, remove all of your files from the Skyrim Data folder and put them in a safe place. Use your preferred mod manager of choice to load the mod and test all is working before uploading the mod.

Edited by Aragorn58
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When you start a new mod that is going to use custom resources you should create a folder somewhere well away from your Skyrim folder.


In that folder create a meshes and textures folder. Then as you progress with the mod place any resources you use in these folders and create any subfolders as necessary.

Otherwise you get to the end of your mod and you have no idea what to package with your released mod short of just including the contents of your Skyrim meshes and textures folders.

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Yeah, what I did was import a ton of stuff I never used. I forgot that it would add huge bloat to the mod. Fortunately, everything which I imported I renamed with a prefix, so I can find it all with a few keystrokes. Now I just have to go through it all and delete the stuff I never did use (which is most of it). That's why it ended up being so big. After that, the BSA will be much more regular sized. :smile:


Thanks for the advice everyone.

Edited by TyrionBean
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