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I just got back my copy of American Mcgee's Alice, and now I must know how many others loved it. Originally, my PC couldn't handle the game, so after a while, I gave it to a friend. This is quite a while ago mind you, I mean pre-millenia *gasp*. Anyway I have always been intensely attracted to all Alice stories, even the Disney version, as well as the darker sort of stories all-around. I also always liked the Willy Wonka movie which, in my eyes at least, parralelled Wonderland. Being able to finally go through the re-imagined Dark Wonderland was truly like a dream come true. Sure the graphics are now heavilly dated, but I believe the gameplay is still sound, as there is really not a whole lot to it. It more survives on the fact that, like the original story, it is just plain bizzare and out there to the point you have to appreciate it. So if you love Alice too, let's hear about your experience. And if you hated it, feel free to put your thoughts into the ring. And if you've never heard of/ played it, look it up and check it out, especially if you were into it's source material at all. I think it fits well with the fantasy genre in general, and even more so now with SI and it's obvious homage to Wonderland.
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like it is a big word interested by it is better

i have it and i like the ideas but its platforming element scares me off i am not big on platforming especially not with a keyboard

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the graphics dont really bother me i stil play orginal ps1 and saturn games and they are not looking that stellar any more

if alice supported a game pad i would be more inclined to play it more often

but unfortunaly it doesnt

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There is some talk, though I don't know how recent, about updating it for current-gen systems when the movie comes out. Though I have been hearing about the movie for well over five years, I would definetely like to see what they do with it. P.S. I can't spell "definetely"
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