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MoveTo() and Z world height


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I need to generate a bunch of xmarkers and container objects in a circle at a constant radius around the player's location which could be anywhere in the world.


So far the best approach I have come up with is to PlaceAtMe() a temp marker at the player, MoveTo(X, Y) and use that ref to PlaceAtMe() the actual marker or object.


All great except for the Z height which naturally stays level with the Player's origin leaving objects floating or buried.


A. Is there a way to establish the Z of an object from the navmesh (or whatever the zero plane is in this engine), that can be used for a Z move, or;


B. is there a better way to generate dynamic placement offsets around the player when there are no other fixed references or static/placed objects ?


any ideas appreciated.

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Ah self-help, found MoveToNearestNavmeshLocation() which seems to do the Z height job.


Clipping is still an issue, but cycle through enough functions and I'm sure there's a solution .... EDIT which is the virtibird safe landing area test GetSafePosition()

Edited by SKK50
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