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Boone, huh? That guy with the glasses is pretty awesome, from what I remember, he had great aim with the sniper. Headshotting soldiers and mutants, great follower. :biggrin:


Ah, you haven't played the sequels? They're epic and IMO, better than ME1. But you should definitely play the first game and complete it, as then you can see your actions unfold in Mass Effect 2/3. Example - Adoring Fan wants to join you as squadmate, you literally point a RPG at his head. Imported, Adoring Fan tries to flirt with asari but ultimately fails, he will also remark how you pointed a RPG at his head.


Young Padawan, when you reach 500 posts, you shall be able to change the colour of your robes. And starting at 1000 posts, you become a full fledged Jedi. ;D

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When do I get my lightsaber? :teehee:


Soon young Padawan, soon. And welcome to the Nexus.


And so, it begins...*Cue ominous music*


EDIT: 62firelight, I saw your post as soon as I posted the above :P Just a 1 Minute difference.


Boone is badass. I'd run up to the enemy to get a better shot, and before I could do so - *BAM* Head no longer exists


I want to play the sequels and yes, I want to play with the saves from my ME1. I had read about it. Now, the thing is, when I first played it, I didn't have a good enough rig, so I played without having consistently high FPS throughout the game, and I didn't get to see it's full visual splendor. However, I did finish it. So I could use those saves. But I don't remember the story of ME1 fully, which is a major drawback. Story is very important to me, more so than any other aspect of the game. I knew a moron who wouldn't play games if they didn't have good graphics, he passed up the oppurtunity to play some great games like Deus Ex, Final Fantasy games, Half Life and whatnot. Anyways..I think I'll play it again, now that I have a much better rig, and play all three one after the other.


1000 posts, eh? Hmm... http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfp2hoS7xu1qc9f5v.jpg


EDIT 2: I accidentally my Mass Effect saved game...guess I'll have to do it all over again

Edited by BhataktiAtma
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At least you mentioned you don't remember the ME1 storyline. And I hope you go meet the *CLASSIFIED* in Mass Effect, he pretty much is like the Adoring Fan. It's good that you have a better rig, my computer can handle the first two games with ease but however is crushed by ME3. That shows how much my PC is out of date nowadays, only meeting the minimum requirements of games like Skyrim. :facepalm:

Hope you enjoy ME series.


I'm up to 164 posts total (including forum game posts) now, so yeah...


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I'm up to 164 posts total (including forum game posts) now, so yeah...


I'm a Jedi already, I've got 1,352 posts. Heh judging by post count, Site Bot is Yoda, he has 416,266 posts :biggrin:.

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