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Freeze actor value


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Hi guys!


I am trying to find out if there is any way to- so to say- 'freeze' the current value of an AV, means to neglect any changes made to the AV in question by whatever.


I dont think creationkit is able to do that and I still cant handle my papyrus...


More precise, i am basically looking for a way to prevent any changes to - for example - leftmobilitycondition as long as a set of conditions is met


Thanks to anybody reading this, huge thanks to anybody that has a solution to this!

Edited by grestl
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No direct way, there are messy workarounds. For example detect hit on player and set condition to 100 after each hit but I highly don't recommend doing so. There are some reasons, just believe me for now. If you want to nullify any damage on your limbs, you should make a new perk with "mod incoming limb damage" perk entry then multiply it to 0, and also on the left side you will see conditions where you can set when that entry should be functioning.

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Hi, thanks for replying!


Yea i know those workarounds, believe me, i have been there. I know that s*** is getting weird when you work like this :D


Incoming or outgoing limb damage is limbs in general, i believe there is no way to tell ck that the damage multiplier of a spezific limb should be changed, is that right?


Just to clarify where i want to go: this is my everlasting attempt to make i.g. limbs that are covered by combat armor immune against small arms fire and so on.


I had a working version that neglected all normal damage, detected what armor the gethitlocation had and then applied damage caliberbased.


But it was a nightmare to get even 1 set of armor and the 10 mm pistol covered, no way to do this for all weapons and armor....

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