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Request: rebalance craft skills


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I don't speak English too good so sorry :confused:


So the "problem" is too fast leveling of character when improving craft skills(Alchemy, Enchanting and Blacksmithing).

My idea is to stop the growth of these skills at defined player levels, like in WoW.


I would to do it like that:

at the levels of our character 1-9 craft skills might be increased to 20 max, so, if the skill >= 20 it doesn't increase till level 10;

at the levels 10 - 19 craft skills might be increased to 30 max, so, if the skill = 30 it doesn't increase till level 20;

at the levels 20 - 29 ~ to 40 max

at the levels 30 - 39 ~ to 60 max

at the levels 40 - 44 ~ to 80 max

at the level 45 ~ to 100 :biggrin:

These numbers are approximately, maybe 45 lvl should be changed to 50, but there is a question: is it possible to stop the skill growth?

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