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Is there any way to correct the aimpoint?


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Okay, I have been looking for a solution for weeks now, having taken a break from FO4 for a bit to revisit Skyrim. Changing my character's height was one of the best parts. It really made it feel like I was looking through someone else's eyes.


Naturally, with setscale, you can achieve the same result in fallout, but it makes some things downright goofy. I don't care so much about the terminals being a little high or low. That's immersive, looked at the right way.


But when I point my gun at something I want dead, and the point of aim is no longer associated with the sights of the weapon? It loses my interest instantly, and I can't seem to find a mod or setting to tweak that will reposition the scope/iron sights to take the change in height into account. Hip-shooting works fine, and I have to assume everything in 3rd person works, but I would prefer to remove 3rd entirely.


Please tell me there is a simple aim-down-sights solution I just managed not to find by not using exactly the right searches.

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