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Rain on a sunny day


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Well that's an odd one, come out of an interior cell at a fort into the open air, bright sunny day, blue sky and it's raining!!






Either that or a Dragon just flew over and relieved itself :laugh:

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Yeah that happens when you are dripping with water and exit the dungeon. Can't remember if it lasts forever until you load a new area [or save game]. Edited by Meester
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There seems to be a glitch in the game with water leaks in forts and caves. The water leaks through the fort/cave ceiling in a number of locations and when you exit the fort/cave, the water leak stays with you. It isn't a wterfall, but just a sprinkle type leak as you have shown in the pictures.


It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does happen I have found fast travel to another location or save/shut down/restart clears it. I tried console commands, but they didn't clear it as it isn't weather, its water leaking through a ceiling.


Hope it clears up for you.

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