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Hair not on head


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Hi all,


I just recently reinstalled Skyrim along with SKSE and a bag full of mods. Everything seemed to be running smoothly until today, when my Argonian female suddely had her feathers missing on her head. Instead, the feathers were at her feet.


I poked and tried around a little, and it seems to be a general issue with some of the hairs across races, and it depends on the viewing angle.


I have Apachii's hair installed, but even deactivating all hair mods does not change anything. Strangely, Apachii's hair do not seem to be affected - all hairstyles that are defective apparently are standard ones. Also, it worked flawlessly for hundreds of hours.


Here's some screenshots:

Hair on head:



Hair on floor:

(different perspective, same char - look between her feet):



Under a certain angle you can see a ghostly 'halo' where her hair should be (see the back of her head):



Sometimes the hair also just hovers next to her head on the shoulder, or it is on waist-level. The hair's movements then seem to be sychronized with some other part of her body , but not her head (feet? hands?).


Anybody ever seen this before? What other types of mods could be interfering?

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You're using ENB AntiFREEZE? That's super old and obsolete. Just switch over to ENBoost.

Edit: Here's a reference if you need convincing. It's directly from the ENBseries changelog:

v0.100: Removed parameter CyclicConfigReading (it read configuration file every 5 seconds), from now this will be handled by pressing a button BACK (can be changed KeyReadConfig). Added almost all code from my patch AntiFREEZE TES Skyrim 0.096, including most of it parameters. FPS limiter implemented... [snipped]

Edited by Grospolina
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