davoker Posted September 4, 2018 Share Posted September 4, 2018 Of course this simple script can be expanded to do more fancy stuff, like check all profiles. I updated my script to check all profiles for orphans. If you want yours to do that, use these instructions instead. Create a batch named delete_skse_fragments.bat in your Mod Organizer profiles folder. On my system it's W:\apps\SkyrimSE\ModOrgainizer2\profiles\delete_skse_fragments.bat @ECHO OFF cd /d "%~dp0" for /f "delims=*" %%a in ('dir /b /ad') do if exist "%%a\saves" for /f "delims=*" %%b in ('dir "%%a\saves\*.skse" /b') do if not exist "%%a\saves\%%~nb.ess" del "%%a\saves\%%b" I use * as a delimiter instead of ; because no file or folder can have * in the name. Now there's no need to use a shortcut, so create a launcher to call this script directly and then start SKSE. <SteamPath>\SteamApps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\skse64_launcher.bat @ECHO OFF CALL "W:\apps\SkyrimSE\ModOrgainizer2\profiles\delete_skse_fragments.bat" cd /d "%~dp0" start "SKSE Loader" /D "%~dp0" "%~dp0skse64_loader.exe" Add skse64_launcher.bat to MO executables menu, and use it to start Skyrim instead of SKSE. Working perfectly, thanks for taking the trouble! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thenryb Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 I am not sure this is the right place to ask my question, but I can't figure out where to ask it. I do not have any problem with orphaned co-saves. I also use NMM as a mod manager and have no profiles, so all of my characters play with the same load order. I use an early version of the NamedQuicksaves Mod and have a hotkey set to create manual saves which I do periodically. I have all autosaves disabled (although I still get them when entering Apocchapha or when first entering Solstheim and the stupid one before you encounter the Caller which I delete). When I am playing some characters, I notice that the save takes a lot longer than when playing other characters, even when they are at the same level. The characters that have fast save times have much smaller SKSE cosave files. The larger the SKSE cosave file, the longer it takes to do a save. Why are some of the cosave files so much larger than others? As an example, I have one character whose ESS file is 6600 kb and his skse cosave is 504KB. His saves are fast. I have another character whose save file is 6000 KB whose cosave file is 2848 Kb, and another with a save file of 7200KB and a cosave file of 3600. Saves with those characters are slow (several seconds). My question is what is causing this difference? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TonyOQuinn Posted September 12, 2018 Share Posted September 12, 2018 (edited) I am not sure this is the right place to ask my question, but I can't figure out where to ask it. I do not have any problem with orphaned co-saves. I also use NMM as a mod manager and have no profiles, so all of my characters play with the same load order. I use an early version of the NamedQuicksaves Mod and have a hotkey set to create manual saves which I do periodically. I have all autosaves disabled (although I still get them when entering Apocchapha or when first entering Solstheim and the stupid one before you encounter the Caller which I delete). When I am playing some characters, I notice that the save takes a lot longer than when playing other characters, even when they are at the same level. The characters that have fast save times have much smaller SKSE cosave files. The larger the SKSE cosave file, the longer it takes to do a save. Why are some of the cosave files so much larger than others? As an example, I have one character whose ESS file is 6600 kb and his skse cosave is 504KB. His saves are fast. I have another character whose save file is 6000 KB whose cosave file is 2848 Kb, and another with a save file of 7200KB and a cosave file of 3600. Saves with those characters are slow (several seconds). My question is what is causing this difference? Nothing wrong with asking here, it's just that very few people will see the question. I suggest posting your problem in the right place so that more experts are likely to see it. I would go back to the top of this forum, and create a new topic. Or, just click here to create a new topic. Edited September 12, 2018 by Tony_OQuinn Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
m00g7h00 Posted September 16, 2018 Share Posted September 16, 2018 Thank you for making the scripts, it really helps.Regards Jim. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyrimClause Posted October 27, 2019 Share Posted October 27, 2019 That's a bug in SKSE64. It's not cleaning the co-save files when the main save gets deleted by the game. So there will be a bunch of autosave leftovers after extended play. When you're finished with a game session make a regular (not quicksave or autosave) save and then you can go into the save folder and delete all of the quick and autosave files without losing anything of value. I did that for a while before eventually breaking down and writing this little WSH script to only delete any SKSE files that don't have a matching ESS file. It's not pretty but gets the job done with a simple double-click. // CleanLeftoverCosaves.js - a WSH script to clean leftover SKSE cosave files var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var folder = fso.GetFolder("."); var subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files); var files = {} for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) { var n = subFlds.item().name if (n.match(".ess")) files[n.replace(".ess", "")] = 1 } subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files); for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) { var n = subFlds.item().name if (n.match(".skse")) if (!files[n.replace(".skse", "")]) subFlds.item().Delete() } If you save that into a file named "CleanLeftoverCosaves.js" and put it in your saves folder you can click on it to clean the leftovers whenever you like. The script needs to be in the saves folder but you can right-click on it and create a shortcut then put that shortcut somewhere easier to access. (Alternately you could edit the second line so that GetFolder looks in a specific folder instead of "." which is the same as the script itself but I find making a shortcut much easier than looking up folder path names.)cdcooley, I am running on Windows 7. I have created the .js file as you've shown, and saved it to my save games folder, but when I double click on it, nothing happens. I was wondering is it because my Windows is too old a version to have the program that runs .js files on it? That's just a minor set back, though, I'm just glad this thread has explained what my problem is. I have over half a gig used on over 900 save files now, and I'll just do a manual delete of all the ones that aren't matched up with .ess files. If I can't use this script, I can still continue with manual deletes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baer2x4 Posted October 27, 2019 Share Posted October 27, 2019 An alternative is to use SSE Engine Fixes. I disable all autosaves so I quick save a lot & never have to manually delete any of the quicks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
person66 Posted November 14, 2019 Share Posted November 14, 2019 Here is a quick .bat alternative I wrote if you can't get the js file to work:@echo off set count=0 for %%i in ("*.skse") do ( if not exist "%%~ni.ess" ( del "%%i" set /a count = count + 1 ) ) echo Cleaned up %count% lonely .skse files pause Just save that with a '.bat' extension (I saved mine as 'cleanup_skse.bat', but you can name it whatever) in the same folder as your saves and double click it to run. EDIT: I guess I'm blind, didn't see that basically the same script was already posted on page 2. Sorry for the bump :tongue: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darkvisions1 Posted June 1, 2021 Share Posted June 1, 2021 ust save that with a '.bat' extension (I saved mine as 'cleanup_skse.bat', but you can name it whatever) in the same folder as your saves and double click it to run. Thanks dude, that is good. Cuz dat JS file from first page is not working for me at all(always gives some Microsoft error). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iCantLogOut Posted October 18, 2021 Share Posted October 18, 2021 This post got me from 1649 save files down to 30..... THANK YOU!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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