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Weird Bug with new modlist, can't start game.


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I have no idea what's causing this. I've gone through my troubleshooting steps (remove the extra mods in mod manager, launch the game without TexMod, etc), and none of that helps.


Problem: The base-location selection box is empty, as seen here: XComEW_REAL%202017-10-23%2011-01-45-53.j


Here's what I'm using (all most recent downloads from the Nexus):

Long War

Long War Mod Manager

LWMM Mods:
Corpses Destroy Time
Enhanced Tactical Info
Exalt Reminder
Fix Deployment Position
Geoscape Pause on Notifications
Hunder Down and Overwatch Delays
More Hours
No Chain Panic
Show Weapon Fragments
Steam Vent Location Tweak 
Virtual Reality Training


EzTexMod textures:
Coloured MEC Icons
LW Rank Isnignia V2
Some HQ Re-Textures

Does anyone know if any of these can cause this issue, even if I attempted to remove them during troubleshooting? OR Does anyone know if I am missing something that would fix this?

Edited by thedmbarlow
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