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conditions to recognize when swimming


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i don't know anything about conditions and i've played around with it for 5 hours today without the result i wanted.


there is a conditional "isswimming" that seems like it would apply to a situation where you wanted to apply a speedmult effect ONLY to a character that is swimming, but i can't figure it out


any help on how to set the conditionals so that they recognize "hey, that guy is swimming, use this spell (which changes the swim speed)"

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I don't see how you can change swim speed other than to change the fMoveSwimMult in the game settings...


i want to have argonians swimming faster than other races, but since the other races are outswimming fish, they should just be slower and leave argonian as is


the game recognizes swimming for animations and mods can be set up to know when you're in the water and wet. has to be a way to change speed based on that same thing

Edited by sulmithgreysin
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There's an actor value named "SpeedMult". It appears to control both land speed and swimming speed. However, changes to it don't take effect right away. You have to change combat state or open/close your inventory or something in order to see the effects.
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There's an actor value named "SpeedMult". It appears to control both land speed and swimming speed. However, changes to it don't take effect right away. You have to change combat state or open/close your inventory or something in order to see the effects.


yeah i've tried that, couldn't figure out how to tell the engine how to detect and apply only when swimming though


it does this with the animations so it can do it with other things, it can detect when you're wet and cold for mods such as frostfall, and it can detect when you're drowning


there is a way to detect and apply a speedmult, i just don't know what that detection is

Edited by sulmithgreysin
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The detection part is easy. Just create an ability and add a magic effect. When you add the magic effect, you're allowed to set the magnitude, duration, and conditions for when it takes effect. Just set the condition for IsSwimming. Your magic effect can have a script that tells it to lower the speed value when it starts, and returns it to default when it ends.
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The detection part is easy. Just create an ability and add a magic effect. When you add the magic effect, you're allowed to set the magnitude, duration, and conditions for when it takes effect. Just set the condition for IsSwimming. Your magic effect can have a script that tells it to lower the speed value when it starts, and returns it to default when it ends.


i did that, set isswimming but didn't know what to put for the rest of it, tried ==, !=, etc and couldn't get it to react properly


i did end up running so fast i jumped across skyrim on accident, that's the most eventful part of the day :(

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