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anybody ever played the highly underrated doublet of of bloodrayne ?

one of the few games where you can dismember peopel in slow motion watch a hand fly throughthe air while the own grabs and the bleeding stump whiel you chop his legs out from under him and he crawls away screaming before dying horribly horribly

the fact that rayne is a redhead and i leek redheads ( a thing that wil become apparant if i post my art ) also helps

blood rayne 1 is getitng abit long in tooth ( no pun intented)

but 2 is still pretty good

im looking for the pc version currently seeing i only have the ps2 version an dmy ps2 is ...pushing up the daesies

its an ex playstation


so anyother rayne fans out there

come on dont be shy we wont bite! much

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hmm I remember playin bloodrayne 2 demo and I remember that the game itself was quite good and fun, but the controls were horrible along with the camera movement... but the game was decent and fun, but if you like games like Bloodrayne, try Prince of Persia series... they are more stable (in terms of controls and camera) and the storyline is awesome
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The original Bloodrayne was one of the few games that I picked up, checked out the back of the box and said, "I have got to buy this game", then was actually happy with my decision. Not even mentioning the fact you can jump on people and suck their blood, the tutorial level, 5 seconds into the game, when you realize the game is going to let you jump about 20 feet in the air, completely floored me. I remember playing that opening with my friend watching, and when she jumped across the big puddle we both just stared at each other for a minute like, no way they're gonna let me do that! I really missed that huge jump in the second.
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i am stil hoping for bloodrayne 3

if 3 coudl combine certain elements from bloodrayne 1 ( mostly the more freeform violence) and the graphics and finishing moves of 2 then id be a happy feline

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