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For the love of Talos! can anyone do wetness in skyrim?


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Here I am standing in rain in Skyrim and everything is just as dry as it was when it was sunny. the only difference is some strips on the screen. It is so un-immersive!!

However, one author was able to get it right in the original Skyrim by creating an ENB that made you wet in the rain it is called Universe ENB ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66677/?) I have always had that ENB as I played the original Skyrim. but now Skyrim SE is out and there is nothing like it. I know frostfall adds snow effects, and ( incredibly minor shiny skin) in rain. and you can add drops of water, but there is nothing quite like getting actually wet. search google for yourself for UNIVERSE ENB and you will see for your self.


unfortunately, the author has hidden the mod.


so my question is.


1) now that skse64 is out is it possible to add this feature to Skyrim SE?


also as a side question.


remember HDT physics? weapons, cloaks, hair, etc.....


2) what is the possibility of adding HDT physics now that SKSE64 is out?


may talos immerse you ever more.


P.S: no lollygagging!!

Edited by thedarkbobunk
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