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[LE] Can't Export Character Head

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Hi, I've tried spf, racemenu, and an export head spell but none seem to work. The files just...don't export. I've looked everywhere. For Racemenu I've already ensured that yes there is a CharGen folder inside the skse plugins folder. I'm using Apachii hair and Caliente bodies if that matters. Thanks in advance.

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Oh and by the way "spf" totally works, but it does NOT export meshes or textures, it exports vanilla game slider settings (as a .npc file in Skyrim's root folder) which can then be imported into the CK. It's actually useful even if you're using a custom head mesh, because it will match skin tone for you.

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Yes, I know that. I think making your own follower is the first step for most of the people that want to pick up modding. :smile:


I'm just wondering if you can import the head back into the racemenu. You save the head with f5 and load it with f9. In each of those menus that pop up, it shows the directory where it saves/loads the heads. Check if perhap the directories are somehow messed up.

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Well, I was not talking to you Deathmarcher, I was answering the OP's question.


To answer YOUR question: You're thinking of presets. That's a completely unrelated function from the mesh export thing. RaceMenu presets are not meshes at all, they are a big pile of slider data that reshapes the player character's face according to previous settings, and it's stored in a whole different folder. You can not use a preset file as a head mesh, or a head mesh file as a preset.



I'm assuming the OP's question was about exporting facegen meshes, not about saving and loading presets? I could have misunderstood, but you don't typically have a reason to look for preset files outside the game or use them in the making of mods, so from context I assumed...

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