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SSE Bodyslide: Armor changes but body doesnt? (nsfw)


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Same issue as everyone the only work around i found was to load the outfit in outfit manager and load in a new reference then save it. its tedious but works for me



I had this problem with cosio. And as i noticed, that .osp file in sliderset folder(Oldrim, not SSE, m b it matters) referred to a wrong body. For example, the correct line must be: <Shape target="CosioBaseHiPoly" DataFolder="CosioHD">CosioBaseHiPoly</Shape>, but it was "<Shape target="CosioBaseHiPoly" DataFolder="CosioHD Inner Bones">CosioBaseHiPoly</Shape>". Changing that line solved my problem, now by moving sliders i can change the bodyshape, not just armor.

how did you edit the slider set code?

Edited by takanan
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I had this issue for Fallout 4. I checked the osp file for the armor, and it had the mistargeted body as previously mentioned, and it sourced that mistarget from the reference body which also misreferenced the wrong shape target. I think it might have been from checking off inheriting the cloth physics from its original base body.

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