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Desktop Crash: Battle of Whiterun


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Desktop Crash: Battle of Whiterun


My game closes itselfs when a loading screen shoudl appear


So I'm sided the imperial army and I'm just got the order to go outside whiterun to defend it's gates, because the stormcloaks are attacking.


Now everytime I open the gate, a loading screen pops up for 1 second and then my game crashes to the desktop.


I tried several things and several saves back, but I don't got many back.. I've spended already more then 1 hour trying to get this to work.


The mod "Open cities" doesn't help either.. loading screen is just hidden and crash starts at an earlier radius away from the gate.


-- One thing that might caused the issue:


I'm entering dragons reach at the point to give the axe to braluuf (or something) but he's not on his throne so a press 'T' and wait a few hours.


Now I give him the axe, but at the background I hear a legionairy already telling everyone that stormcloask are attacking.. after that I accept the quest from the legionairy

and I start the quest to go to the barricade, crashing at the point where you try to open the gate to leave whiterun.

Edited by luke811
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Do you only get CTD at this point? I've been running stable as hell with Skyrim from day one until the latest patch (last week or so) and now I rarely get more than a couple of minutes play before CTD. You could try disabling all your mods from the launcher (including the high res dlc) and see if that works.


Good luck.

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No I haven't experienced any crash to desktop before..


This is my third character, just level 10 ..


Now today it said the file was corrupted.. so i took a load back to a none corrupted file and quickly played back to the same point, without making any mistakes..

(I didn't try this before, because this was an two hour gameplay back.. but succudeeded doing it within an hour now..)


But crash still occured.. very very strange

Edited by luke811
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do you have any HD texture mods installed? any HD armor mods installed?


because this is a common problem; the HD textures require more VRAM than the vannila low-res textures, and with so many NPC in one area it can easily overload

your graphics card with work and cause you to run out of available VRAM. once the game needs more VRAM that you have, it crashes.


this can be fixed by:


1. keep trying! it'll EVENTUALLY not crash [what I did]

2. set all graphics setting to LOW via options in the launcher and try again

3. temporarily un-install all (if any) HD-type mods and try again

4. get a better graphics card - preferably one with MORE than 1GB VRAM [what I'm going to do soon]

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I got a great computer with 6 GB memory and 1.6 GHz i7 processors, this couldn't be the issue. I only installed the normal mod HD mod by bethesda.


But I found it yesterday, the mod Warzones messed it up.. I remembered defeating units outside of whiterun with another charachter so i was thinking this might cause the crash and it did..


let me post at their forum

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