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Desktop Crash: Battle of Whiterun


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I've got the same problem too, or perhaps similar: 24h (in game) after the Battle of Whiterun, my game crashes, no matter if warzones, HD texture packs and other mods are anbaled or disabled (I made several tries with differend - and also very old - saves). I don't have problems with the hardware, but anyway also into a inn, also using "wait", at that specific in-game hour Skyrim says "goodbye!"

Shall I start a new game? I wish I don't :confused: but I really can't find the problem.

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Ok, I've just tried to play disabling ALL the mods and... it worked! :dance: now, I'll have to try re-enabling them one by one in order to understand WHICH causes Skyrim to crash. I'll make you know when I'm done.

Of course I cannot simply continue the game after the "critical hour" because, well, all my weapons was from mod (not modded vanilla), my companion equipped items from mods (so now they walk around naked and armless) and my horse saddle bags disappeared with all my gold! :ohdear:

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Ok, I tried as described above and found the problem: the mod Decomposition (available on Nexus and Steam). It probably conflicts with WARZONES since WZ generally removes its corpse automatically after a few hours. I think that when WZ tries to clear the corpes, it doesn't find the ones I "buried" with Decomposition. Now that I disabled Decomposition Skyrim works well as usual.

It's not the same problem of luke88, Hecklar, bluedoom138 and foxtrot3d, I think. Anyway you shall try to lower the sight distance in the graphic settings from the Skyrim Launcher. It helps even if you don't have WARZONES and does not lowers the quality (I took a screenshot with maximum sight distance and another with half of it - 8 stops - and they were identical).

Edited by argo e11
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  • 3 years later...

The same thing is happening to me, I've tried both sides of the war, my game runs flawlessly until I have to drop off the axe. I even COC'd out of the fight and skipped the quest that way, and it just crashes when I'm trying to leave solitude.I can't be positive but I have an odd feeling the war quest line is bugged from the alternative start mod. any body else having this problem with that mod installed? I'm running like 80 mods so I cant pin point it.

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