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How to make a quest start?


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Well, im trying to make a quest start once the player reaches a bunch of skill based conditions (probably certain advancement in some skills plus specific perks requirements, say, having 100 in heavy armor and 3 levels of juggernaut for example).


So, the first thing i thought is using a skill increase Story Manager Event. While the likeness of having someone with 100 in every skill use the mod (that would stop skill increase events from happening) isnt high, i'd like to have that sorted out nevertheless.


I also thought that if those events are only fired when a skill increases, and the player already meets the requirements before activating the mod, the player would need to increase some unrelated skill for the SM to fire the skill increase event, which would work, but its nonsense.


Im not that deep into all the CK systems so besides the skill increase SM event, i have no idea how to start the quest. For now i have it running on a change location event just for testing everything else. Aliases get filled, a courier delivers a letter from "a friend" and the quest starts, but change location event has nothing to do with what i want so...


PD: I have no idea how to make the letter display the name of the player and a generic name of a dungeon. For other quests i see "Alias=Player" but in those quests alias tabs, there is no alias called player.

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Ah yes, there are Dungeon aliases for that stuff, but the player thing still doesnt works for me. What else i have to do besides the <Alias=Player> in the letter? I've already tried adding a Player alias and pointing it to the player via the unique actor selection and via the forced reference selection.


Besides, why my quest would need one if the other quests dont? Im doing something wrong...

Edited by eltucu
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