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i cant model, and for the past week i have been trying to get modeled walls from blender into the game for my new city. Unfortunately, everything i have tried hasn't worked, and unless anyone can give me explicit instructions or just do it for me, i'm afraid i just can't continus with my city. Can ANYONE DO THIS?! Probably... the question is WILL you?! I am just about at wits end with this project, as i cant continue with anything unless the city has WALLS. And it IS important that i dont just use regular walls. Can ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE!!!
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Don't feel too bad, most model requests don't go anywhere. The simple fact of the matter is that there aren't many people who can do those things and who are sitting around idle. Most of those people are quickly grabbed by mod groups, or are busy working on mods of their own. The project mentioned also seems a bit questionable. A project which requires so many new models and textures can appear to some as a lost cause, even when there are people on that project who are capable. Even my project seems to suffer from this. People don't usually spend that much time on something if they aren't using it as part of their own mod, or don't think that your project will actually happen. Posting several threads asking for help, or answers to questions which have surely been asked, or have answers found in tutorials doesn't help things.


Although I have plans for a worldspace which is covered with ice and snow, I havn't had the time to work on any components for it, and probably won't for atleast a few months. And even then, I would be using them just for my own project, and even if I was considdering releasing parts as a resource, they probably wouldn't fit your needs.

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you asked him to take pics of ice? why dont you take up retextureing a modded wall or a existing wall? basiclly a city like any other city but iced over? a idea i think but the above with a nice avatar is right most modding requests have a 1 in 5 chance of being made so theres no reasion to feel bad
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