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Problem Changing Interior Cell Location


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So I am trying to make ParsonsState03 Interior Cell into settlement, but whenever I try to get that cell to use Location I added it isn't possible. Cell keeps staying with ParsonsStateLocation. I can choose the Location in Edit Cell -view, I can Apply it, but sometimes Ok -button is not active. When Ok -button IS active however, I can change the Location, but only in Edit Cell -view. In main Cells -view it doesn't show, but stays ParsonsStateLocation. Opening the Edit Cell -view again shows that new Location is set. Is this a bug, mistake on my part, or something 'hard coded' into Fallout 4?


Any help with this will be greatly appreciated!



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if a interior use the same loc/encounter as ext, then you have to make a new loc/enc for that interior, if not then both will use the same loc/encounter


so make a location and encounterzone with the name xxxx and adjust the interior cell to those names, there is a option in the location to use the mapmarker for interior

forgot the name, to long ago to remember all

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I can use MapMarker instead of XMarkerHeading? Nice, I try that! I hope that solves the problem, as I already have made new loc/enc for this interior cell. As well as dedicated MapMarker and XMarkerHeading on exterior cell, and the problem wasn't solved by that.

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I was asking help with my start of Settlement modding. Then my hard drive went kaput, with over 50 settlement mods I'd made, and as a proper IT-professional, I never backup'd *grins*, so I decided to have an 8 month hiatus, and now I've been back some time. I almost religiously backup my CK work too, LOL. Ah yes, I even published 3 settlements I made this week.

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  On 10/28/2017 at 1:32 AM, Ragoda said:

I never backup'd *grins*, so I decided to have an 8 month hiatus, and now I've been back some time.

At least you had a *good* reason. I got butthurt over the Nvidia mod contest & stopped modding for a year.

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