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Revamp for Another Game


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If hypothetically someone wanted to use the SCK and the stock assets to create their own game (Yes a mod but-) that has nothing to do with magic, would it even be possible to remove that stuff from the game? I don't mean avoid it or never give it to the player, I mean disabling it entirely...


I think someone's asked this before for Oblivion and the answer was a no, it would break the game... Has that changed?

Edited by BigBaggie
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I have no idea. Theoretically it could be changed easily enough, though perhaps not removed. Look at SKYUI, for example. As for magic and stuff, I don't know why you would specify that it needs to be gone rather than simply unavailable. Whether spells are gone from the engine, or simply not given to any players or NPCs, what's the difference? Then again, I suppose you'd still have to deal with the magicka bar and inventory menu... hmm...
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Someone said that is was a no for Oblivion? Have you looked at Nehrim?


Anyway, I believe there's a group that's already trying what you're suggesting. They're trying to recreate Tolkien's Middle Earth. Try googling "Skyrim MERP".

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Well no I didn't mean removing it from the engine but really making it disappear to players so that it's completely unavailable. But yes, the mana bar wouldn't need to be there as well.


Wow, I could've sworn there was some basic magic in Nehrim >.< It's been awhile apparently lol Well I hope they succeed so I can learn some things...


Skyrim brings out such a nice toy to work with and it would be nice to make some non-fictional fictional stuff with it....


TY both :)

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I meant total conversions were possible, not that there was no magic. And in Oblivion, you could hide the magicka bar and change other UI elements through the menu xml files. I imagine it would have been quite easy to make it seem as though magic was unavailable in the game.


All I know about the Skyrim UI is that it uses flash and so has to be coded through actionscript.

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Removing the shouts was another I forgot to ask, but I imagine if the magic could be done shouts would be even easier


For anyone who's curious I'm planning on putting together a small team to create a historical mod based on late medieval Scotland and maybe Ireland. So far I'm choosing the SCK for obvious reasons and once a few more modder's resources have been developed I don't think I'll have a hard time doing it... Moddb if anyone's interested :D



Edited by BigBaggie
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