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Bullying a Dragon


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One problem I've often had with attacking dragons is getting them to actually notice me. It's fine in the wilderness, where I'm the most obvious threat, but when a dragon attacks a city, getting them to fight me is often difficult. I'm not nearly accurate enough with bows or magic to hit one of the wing, but an idea for a new Shout has occurred to me.



We know we can challenge dragons by Shouting their names. We're not going to know the names of every random dragon we find, but what about our own names?



What I have in mind, is a Shout that makes you cry "Dovahkiin!" and causes any dragon in range to attack you, and only you, immediately. It makes sense, after all. What would such a shout be if not an announcement of your presence, a demonstration of your Th'um, a direct challenge to any dragon that heard it? Any dragon would almost be honour-bound to fight you, or retreat in disgrace. Hell, maybe towards the end of the story line, they might start doing that! It would also be a way for you to draw the dragon's ire away from the helpless civilians and prevent collateral damage.


Anyway, what do you think?

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Quick insight(mostly for any potential modder) as I duck in and out:


Said shout starts a small (invisible) quest, fills an alias with a nearby dragon, if there's no dragon... does nothing obviously. Then attempts to force a package on the dragon to attack the player. May or may not work reliably. Interested enough to drop by, not enough to spend an hour or so testing it >.< Taunting in general would be kind of cool in this game I think. Both for the player, and certain enemies.


Face me, dragon, for I am Dovahkiin!
My little brother has walked around shouting basically that on several occasions. ... usually to cats...
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