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What can cause GECK-placed items to resist being picked up?


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I've hit a barrier and don't know what else to try. This should be easy for anyone who knows what's going on. Do this:


Moveto 11a250. This is an in-game item: 11a10d.

Enable 11a26a. This is the xmarker the item is tied to.


Now the item will be visible. However, even though the item name appears when it's in the crosshairs, and you can manipulate the item freely, you cannot add it to your inventory. Why?

I tried duplicating this item and also duplicating its xmarker. This is the weird part: My item doesn't even show up in the crosshairs; it acts just like the trays the items are sitting on: They're visible but don't exist.


I don't understand the mechanics behind this. The wine bottles sitting nearby are activated in the same manner, but nothing stops me from adding them to my inventory. If I swap out 11a250 with a wine bottle, I can add it to my inventory. It seems there is something special about item 11a10d and I can't find any differences to account for it. More perplexing, there is one more ref for the item, 11a10e, in a different cell, and it can be added to the inventory.


Anyway, I've checked and rechecked and I'm not finding whatever flag is causing this behavior.


Edit: While I never figured out why it was impossible to add item 11a10d to the inventory, it may have been related to what I did discover, and that's that the tray the item was placed in has a collision box that doesn't account for the empty space on the tray's concave side, meaning 1) that items placed on it would visibly hover above it, level with the tray's lip, and 2) items situated on the tray by the GECK ran the risk of being "hidden" inside the tray's collision box and therefore out of reach.

Edited by Asterra
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