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Anyone try a three round burst for weapons


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I endorse this idea. makes better sense for auto pistols to have a burst.

not really. the burst mode is used by smg's and some assault rifles. kinda standardized with the M16A4's during the vietnam war to counter bad performance of soldiers using full auto and because they empited their mags when panic struck.

auto and burst on pistols is just s#*!, accuracy goes out the window. The glock 18 for example has full auto mode and while using it you're lucky if you hit the inside of a barn when you stand inside it.

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I agree with Wolfbryne, it would make perfect sense for assault rifles and SMGs, but less sense for pistols. I would love to see a mod that gives us this option. Even if it was with an item you used to switch between auto and burst modes, or if you had to pick one or the other at a weapons workbench. Someone please get on this!

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