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Davy Crockett


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I have been wanting a nostalgic nuclear launcher.

I have searched for a Davy Crockett and the best I have found is this:






I want this:




I know what you are thinking "What are you thinking, why would you want this?"

I have two ideas in mind.


One is like this:




You would say "But you need power armor for that!"

well yes that is the point, because it is better to carry the mini-gun with power armor, so why not add an additional weapon for power armor to use?


Second idea is like this:

Just when you capture the Minutemen castle they give you the ability to launch motor fire, well it's not that great sometimes, so you can build 1 Davy Crockett launcher and it can be fired from anywhere, but making the signaling flare or the ammo will take a lot of resources, mainly nuclear material.


Just an idea to toss out there, make a competitor for any Fat man mini nuke re-placer and any "Look-a-like" mod just like the one I linked at the top, but better, and it looks like the real thing!

If someone could create this beast of beauties, I would greatly appreciate it.


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