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Realistic Nights and Particle Patch: suggestions for glowing water (still not quite right!)


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Hello all,


I recently installed Realistic Nights as required by R1ptiddy's (IMO rather under-endorsed) Fog Veil ENB. It's a beautiful mod, but the glowing water effect at night necessitated also installing the Mindflux Particle Patch.


The attached screenshots show that the patch has reduced the effect greatly, but I do still find the shimmer somewhat jarring. The improvement is marked enough that I can live with it, but if anyone else has used this mod configuration, could you please let me know whether you've had any success ameliorating it further?


N.B. The Realistic Nights FAQ has this to say on the issue:



Note that this "particle patch" will greatly alleviate the issue, though not fix it entirely, as doing so would mess up how water looks in the daytime.


...so I appreciate that this might be as good as it gets. Still, if anyone has any insight, I'd be grateful to hear it.


Thanks in advance!

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Being a particle effect, you can adjust this in enbseries.ini or the ENB config menu (Shift+Enter) in the [PARTICLE] section. Try tweaking IntensityNight for outdoors and IntensityInteriorNight for indoors. Experiment with the other parameters. To make it permanent, save the values in enbseries.ini. Note that this will affect all particle effects though, including ground fog, smoke, etc.

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