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[WIP] Skyrim Gladiator Colosseum & Mini Dungeons


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Hello, let me first introduce the idea to you guys as a Mod that started out as just a normal house. After learning more and more about Skyrim's Creation Kit, ideas have been swimming in my head, and I have been working hard to make my ideas a reality. This mod I'm working on and nearing its finish is a combination of mods / locations / ideas all created by myself.


I wanted to design a mod that is more challenging than the game itself. Of course, nothing can be challenging if you use god mode or cheat weapons and armor, but that is not my play style and may no be everyone else's play style. Anyways, if you don't use any sort of cheats and like a challenge, this mod is for you.


It starts with a House in Whiterun. It replaces the location of the Breezehome in Whiterun, but doesn't disallow you from going into your old Breezehome. (It will make sense once you see it.) Anyways, in the house is generally what you are seeing in most other skyrim mod houses. Decorations, all workbenches, a merchant, tons of Labeled Storage, mannequins, book cases, display cases, wall mounts, plenty of fillable and self decoratable space, etc. From the house, I decided to make my own Worlds so to speak. In the basement (The Great Hall), there is a Shrine with many Portals each to its own mini dungeon / world. Each mini dungeon / world is user resetable, so after completion, the player can just redo it again if they wish. I say world because each location is its own WorldSpace. It is not located anywhere in Skyrim. I say dungeons because they are not huge.


I did not want to even give a preview of this mod to anyone other than a couple close friends until completed, but I am running out of time and need to hurry this process up. I need to let people like you know what to expect and give thoughts and opinions about the idea / mod. I will also need a few testers in the near future, so keep in touch with this Thread.


In "The Great Hall" I planned on a total of 6 Portals, each to their own worldspace and or dungeons. At this point in time, I have 3, and the 3rd is nearing completion. After the 4th world is complete, I will release the first version of this Mod to the public. Current worlds / dugeons / realms (whatever you want to call them) are as follows, Valley of the Weyr, Sinister's Circle, and The Colosseum.


The idea is that each world has its own rewards for completeing it. Some are more challengeing than others, and completeing some of the earlier worlds will actually benefit you in the later worlds. For instance, completeing the Story Mode in The Colosseum will actually reward you with something that is beneficial to survival in the Valley of the Weyr.


The Colosseum is an entry level worldspace, meaning that there is no benefit from completeing other worlds before this one. The Colosseum was designed around two pictures. One of the actual real-life Roman Colosseum and one of the Roman Colosseum from the movie "The Gladiator." All enemies are scaled to player level within The Colosseum, so you can always expect a good fight in the Story Mode. I am releasing a couple different modes of play for The Colosseum. One is Story Mode. This is very similiar to the Oblivion style Arena. You have to wear Colosseum Armor and progress to become the Grand Champion (just like Oblivion). After each battle you can rinse off the blood of your opponents in the fountain for full hp / mana / stamina, just like Oblivion. I also wanted to add replay abilities. You can rematch only previously fought opponents from Story Mode up to your current progress. Once you become Grand Champion in Story Mode, you will have the option to fight any of the story mode heros without the need to wear The Colosseum armor pieces. I tried to give the player a variety of choices between which armor pieces he or she could use. You can use any weapon you wish though.

In Vs Mode, you basicly spawn any number of whatever you want in the Colosseum from a list at any point in the game. Once you enter the Arena, the gates will close, and only the winner walks free. (Just like Oblivion). There are a few spectators, but not many. (Only to save on Framerate). One is going to be a King / Emperor / Jarl / whatever. This is undecided, but a King has been placed in there for now on his Throne like chair. Eventually, (after release) I will be added a patch that allows wager matches. During a wager match, you will be able to sit and watch up to 50 oppenents fight at the same time with two teams. If you bet on the winning team, you'll be rewarded twice that amount in gold. (Like Oblivion). This idea has already been thought out, and I know how I'm going to do it, but it's going to take time. Hence, why I will release a patch for this feature after the actual release of this mod. I am also aiming at a lot of Movie / Video game references in the Story Mode. No, I'm not trying to make the characters look and act exactly alike, but as close as I can get to without having to make models and textures. The point is, you'll get the idea, and I'm trying to make a reference, not a replica. Although, any help with model / texture creation to make them look even more like they should would get awesome!


The Valley of the Weyr is a moderately sized peice of land that looks somewhat like an open valley. In this valley you'll need to be strategic. There are a total of 5 strong dragons that want to eat your face. One of those dragons is the boss of the realm. This realm is incredibly hard to survive without prior defeating at least one of the other worlds. (Tested only on Master Difficulty with a level 47 decked out character) I was thinking about possibly making Waves for this instead of just having all 5 of them come at you at once in the start. In other words, you start at wave 1/5 with that being only one dragon. As you progress, each wave gets harder like a survival mode. 2nd wave would have 2 dragons, 3rd would have 3, and so on. On the 5th wave, the 5th dragon would be the Boss. Upon the dragon boss dying, you'll find a claw key on his corpse that allows you passage to one of the two vault doors in The Great Hall. Each vault contains valuable loot. This loot is not designed to ruin the rest of your play through, but only to enhance it. This realm is replayable once completed if you wish to. All you have to do is simply walk out of the portal, and hit the reset button. That's it. (Vault loot does not reset, nor will I make it reset, but dragon loot does of course.)


Sinister's Circle is more so like a portal to doom. You step into the portal and hope to survive such a challenging event. There are a total of 4 mages in this circle. Each are very strong, and one is a boss. These mages are gigantic and hover off the edge of the cliff. Don't go too close to the edge, you just might fall to your death. This cliff is actually a Circle, hence, Sinister's Circle. Now, think of a peace sign. Each mage is hovering at each point on the line. The middle of the circle where the lines intersect there is the 4th that is normal size, but kind of keeps you distracted from the main dudes. They all are capable of summoning their own help as well. In the center of the circle is where you'll seek shelter from the pouring rain and return to the home world. This realm is less challenging than The Valley of the Weyr, but is still really fun. This realm is also redoable in the same way The Valley of the Weyr is.


I have many more plans and ideas that I'd like to do with the Realms I already have, as well as addition of some other interesting realms.


If this mod sparks your interests, shoot me a line in this Thread. If you want to participate in testings, send me a PM with a little about yourself, how old you are, how often you play skyrim, what are some mods you already have and use, computer specs to the best of your knowledge, steam username, and anything else you can think of that you think I should know.


I will try to keep this thread up to date, but no promises. Please feel free to leave all comments on this topic / mod / suggestions below. This mod is for you guys. I want to hear what you have to say about it.

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