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Applying Meshes/Textures/.Nif to Newly Created Follower(s)


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So I know someone attempted to make custom followers but are completely broken.


I'm relatively new to this myself, but I'd like to fix the followers. Simple enough, right? Wrong! When I tried to upload them in CK, it just wasn't happening. I got a host of errors and they just won't load (Ugh.. WTH!)

So I figure I will have to just re-create their voices, personalities, etc then just apply the looks from the meshes, textures, .nif files. It feels like I'm taking the parts of a broken car and using them to build a new one


So that's the question: I have no idea how to apply those meshes, textures, .nif files to newly created followers.

Help!! ... please! :)



Please note: I hadn't planned on re-uploading the mod. This would be just for my own game, of course, unless I get the author to sign off on reviving it & wants me to upload them again.

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